The 9/11 Attacks: A Defining Moment in Modern History

Secondly, India has always dreamt of becoming a regional hegemon. It wants to dominate the entire Indian Ocean from Singapore to the Gulf of Eden as the British once did. In other words, India wants such an Indian Ocean that is only dominated by India. China's OBOR has put India's dream of regional domination at risk by giving China an increased access to Indian Ocean and regional ports where China can develop military bases in the coming years. That is why development of Gwadar Port by China , as a part of the CPEC, has caused serious problems to Indians, as China's naval presence in Gawadar will be huge strategic disadvantage to India in the Indian Ocean. OBOR, hence, has causes another challenging problem for India.
Thirdly, OBOR will further increase China's economic power by giving China an easy and increased access to global markets. Increase in economjc power will definitely mean increase in military power for China. This is also abhorred by India as it has longstanding border issues with China and has also gone to a full fledge war with China in 1962. Moreover, an increase in China's power undermines India's status as a regional hegemon.
Fourthly, India is part of American alliance formed to counter and curtail Chinese influence in the region, and India has gained a lot by becoming part of this alliance. Therefore, India keeps on spreading propaganda against OBOR so as to win favors with the US.
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